Who Was Dylan Matz

A son, brother, friend, and coach who touched the minds, and hearts, of many. Dylan’s accepting nature had a way of making anyone feel at ease. The way Dylan cared and spread kindness to others was and remains unparalleled. He was always willing to go out of his way to help, and the goal of this foundation is to continue his legacy in this way.

A key component to Dylan’s professional and personal development was his abundant passion for reading and learning. He coupled a similarly deep mind of the most influential philosophers (he studied Philosophy in college), with the perspective of a 21st century thinker looking towards a more accommodating future for all. This insatiable appetite for new information, and drive to master unfamiliar topics, produced a person with the capacity to approach knowledge and people with the most accommodating of perspectives. Never too proud to concede or compromise, and never too shy to speak up or speak out with passion. He stood up for the less fortunate. He supported his teammates, friends, and family without hesitation. Dylan also had a willingness to follow his instincts rather than the crowd. He would never sacrifice his integrity regardless of personal gain. Not to mention, he possessed a seemingly endless stream of empathy and compassion for those both in and out of his immediate circle. All were equal in Dylan's eyes, and all deserved equal opportunity.

Any individual seeking this scholarship should embody most of the above attributes. Notably, they should be confident yet open minded, emphatic yet empathetic, curious, humble, driven and, above all, accepting. They must also have the desire to change the world for the better.