Scholarship Criteria

Applications Open

December 1, 2023

What are the goals of the Dylan Matz Scholarship?

  • To ignite a passion for lifelong learning

  • To encourage independent thinkers

  • To empower youth to positively impact our community

The 2022 and 2023 graduating classes were each awarded $16,000 in scholarships totaling $32,000 to seniors in Erie County, PA,

What are the criteria for qualifying for this scholarship?

1. Written application for scholarship completed and submitted by the specified deadline (copy of application form attached); 

2.  Good high school grades (career GPA at least 3.0/4.0);

3.  Written recommendations from two teachers who know the applicant; 

4.  Acceptance for an undergraduate degree program at an accredited college or university; 

5. Community involvement; extracurricular/clubs/volunteer/athletics

6. Written essay showing applicant's aptitude in communicating and in critical thinking (see Essay topic below);

Essay Topic: 

(resiliency, role in giving back to community, future goals)

"In your own words, please write a brief explanation of (1.) how you expect to benefit from a college education, and (2.) how you have shown resilience in a time of adversity. (3.) please provide a role in which you have given back to the community and future plans to make an impact in the community as well" 

Suggestion: include intangible things (such as life experience and appreciation of learning) as well as the more tangible ones (such as career preparation and earning power).

* This scholarship is administered by the Dylan Matz Foundation based on recommendations of the committee members.


1. In 2024, several one-year scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors.

2. Each new scholarship will be in the range of $1,000 to $5,000.

3. The money awarded will be by check payable to the college -- it may be applied to tuition, student fees, or books. 

4. The awards are made by The Dylan Matz Foundation, based on recommendations of the Board Members and Advisory Committee. 

5. Availability of this scholarship and copies of applications will be distributed to high school counselors in Erie County High Schools. Applications can also be filled out online or downloaded from our website at

Deadline for submitting a scholarship application is March 31, 2024

Completed applications can be filled out and submitted online, delivered with required enclosures to your guidance counselor, or mail the completed application, with required enclosures, to:

The Dylan Matz Foundation

PO BOX 8113 

Erie, PA 16505

EXTENDED: The Advisory Committee will announce scholarship winners on May 15, 2024.